An American Editor

July 27, 2011

Competing with Free: eBooks vs. eBooks

My to-be-read pile of ebooks keeps growing. Unfortunately for publishers, however, it keeps growing with free offerings from both publishers and self-publishers. I admit that a lot of the free self-published books should never have seen fingers on a keyboard, but I also have to admit that I am finding a lot of good reads among the free self-published books. Some are very high quality, many are just good reads.

But “just good reads” is more than enough. These are books that aren’t of the caliber that one would choose for a book club discussion, but they are decently written and they do hold my interest. And this is the problem for traditional publishers as well as for self-publishers who want to charge a price that is reminiscent of a traditional publisher’s pricing: the world of free ebooks is becoming very competitive with the rest of publishing in terms of quality.

I used to spend thousands of dollars a year on pbooks. These days it is the rare book that I pay anything for. Looking at my hardcover purchases, I find that this year I have spent about 30% of what I had spent last year during the same time frame — and if I project it out to the end of the year based on books I have preordered, I will end the year spending about 22% of what I spent last year. That is a huge drop, and it is all because of the free ebooks.

Some readers focus on the extent of garbage that is found among the free ebook offerings — and there is a lot of it to focus on. But think about how you buy books and how that has changed with buying primarily online. Then think about how that applies to “buying” free ebooks.

Before the days of ebooks, I would spend hours in my local Barnes & Noble searching for books that were well written on topics that I wanted to read. I’d find a few hardcovers that I would purchase. When I got the books home, I’d start reading. It often happened that what I thought was a well-written book based on the sample I had read while in the store was not so well written after all. I might “force” myself to read the book anyway because I had paid hard-earned money for it, but equally as often, I would simply put the book aside to try again another day — a day that didn’t come very often.

But free ebooks have relieved me of that pressure to read a not-well-written book because I invested in it. Yet with that relief, I still find many more decently written and interesting free ebooks to read than I can read in the time I have, thus my to-be-read pile keeps growing. Free ebooks have made it very easy for me to discard a book without feeling guilty about doing so. Free ebooks have created the guilt-free age of reading.

Because there are so many free ebooks and because a large enough number of them are decently written, I see no need to return to the bookstore to look for books and I see no reason why I should pay agency pricing for ebooks from traditional publishers. This is not to say that I do not buy nonfree ebooks — I do. When I come across an author whose free ebook captures me, I’ll buy the author’s other ebooks — but free comes first.

What does this mean for the traditional publishing model that expects to be able to charge a relatively high price for an ebook? Ultimately, it means disaster. Right now traditional publishers aren’t directly competing with self-publishers; the quality gap remains Grand Canyonesque. But that gap is closing with greater speed than traditional publishers realize. Eventually, traditional publishers will need to more directly compete with self-publishers. This is not so difficult to do when the traditional publisher prices an ebook at $8 and the self-publisher prices an ebook at $7. But it becomes increasingly difficult when there is a yawning gap between the price the traditional publisher charges and the price the similar-quality self-publisher charges, especially if the self-publisher’s price is free. As Smashwords’ twice-yearly sales demonstrate, free and discounts of 100% and 75% are increasingly becoming the price of ebooks.

The salvation for the traditional publisher has to be quality when it can’t compete on price. Consequently, more attention needs to be paid to initial quality and to gaining a reputation for that quality. Unfortunately for traditional publishers, an increasing number of self-publishers are realizing that the quality problem also applies to their ebooks and they are improving their quality faster than are the traditional publishers.

It will be interesting to see how things stand 5 years from now. I wonder how many traditional publishers of today will still be profitable then.


  1. That last question should be, “I wonder how many traditional publishers of today will still exist then.”


    Comment by Carolyn — July 27, 2011 @ 5:17 am | Reply

  2. […] rest is here: Competing with Free: eBooks vs. eBooks « An American Editor Comments […]


    Pingback by Competing with Free: eBooks vs. eBooks « An American Editor « Ebooks Extra — July 27, 2011 @ 7:28 am | Reply

  3. Great commentary on the state of the ebook market. It is so true that there are many great writers out there charging $2.99 or less for their work. Sometimes it does take a lot of sifting to find them. The great news for self-publishers is that the quality gap is shrinking and that readers are starting to notice. I’ve been self-publishing since 2005 and ebooks have finally leveled the playing field so I can compete with traditional publishers.

    It is a great time to be a writer. Thanks for stating my case, and that of many of my peers so eloquently.


    Comment by cjwestkills — July 27, 2011 @ 1:41 pm | Reply

  4. I like this article, can i translate it in Italian and post it on my blog (, with a link to your blog?thank you so much, Silvia


    Comment by Silvia — July 28, 2011 @ 5:36 am | Reply

  5. […] Are free ebooks hurting the market for purchased ebooks? […]


    Pingback by Stumbling Over Chaos :: Linkity lounges about lazily — July 29, 2011 @ 2:03 am | Reply

  6. Free e-books are hurting the market of purchased books for sure! Moreover, I think that buying a book means paying the author for his work. I love reading and most of the time I’m buying my books. Even my e-books are purchased from a website called all you can books where I have unlimited download for a cash amount monthly. I will always pay for books because I think this way I respect the writer for his work.


    Comment by Theresa — August 2, 2011 @ 3:27 am | Reply

    • Why are you willing to pay $14.99 a month for a subscription to All You Can Books? I spent a few minutes looking at the book choices and they all appear to be public domain books that are avaiable for free in numerous places. And the audio versions are also available free. You are not supporting these writers; they are long dead. I agree that paying for a book is important to support an author, but if an author offers his or her book for free, I see nothing wrong with accepting it. I think most authors are more worried about obscurity than money, although they would like the money, too.


      Comment by americaneditor — August 2, 2011 @ 7:16 am | Reply

  7. While free e-books might be hurting the market in general, they don’t impact sales of current authors. We still have to purchase their most recent works and/or wait until the library gets a copy (which is becoming less and less likely).


    Comment by Carolyn — August 2, 2011 @ 7:21 am | Reply

  8. […] not generally being the response. (See, e.g., the discussions in, Is There a Future in Editing?, Competing with Free: eBooks vs. eBooks, and The Changing Face of […]


    Pingback by Clashing Perspectives: Coming Home to Roost « An American Editor — August 29, 2011 @ 4:08 am | Reply

  9. […] not generally being the response. (See, e.g., the discussions in, Is There a Future in Editing?, Competing with Free: eBooks vs. eBooks, and The Changing Face of […]


    Pingback by Can Authors Survive Ebooks? Rich Adin's Thoughts On This | — August 29, 2011 @ 5:18 pm | Reply

  10. […] not generally being the response. (See, e.g., the discussions in, Is There a Future in Editing?, Competing with Free: eBooks vs. eBooks, and The Changing Face of […]


    Pingback by Ebooks and ereaders, can authors survive them? Rich Adin’s reaction to my post | Ebooks on Crack — August 29, 2011 @ 7:26 pm | Reply

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