An American Editor

September 7, 2012

A Musical Interlude: Rita Hayworth is Stayin’ Alive

Filed under: A Musical Interlude — Rich Adin @ 11:22 am
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Sometimes I come across a video that is worth sharing. The video below, Rita Hayworth is Stayin’ Alive, shows how dance moves over the years remains relevant. By the time the Bee Gees gave us Stayin’ Alive (a hit song from the movie Saturday Night Fever starring John Travolta) in 1977, most of the actors in the video clips were deceased. But to watch the clips against the musical background of the Bee Gees is not only uplifting, but shows that music and dance cross the generations. So, sit back and enjoy Rita Hayworth is Stayin’ Alive with the Bee Gees (and keep an eye out for Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, Van Johnson, and, of course, Fred Astaire, among other notable actors who danced with Rita Hayworth) —

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