An American Editor

September 28, 2012

Articles Worth Reading: The Lie Factory

I’ve decided to start a new column that I’m calling Articles Worth Reading. I subscribe to a lot of magazines and websites — I’m always behind in my reading — and occasionally I read an article that I think deserves wider attention. Those articles will be the subject of this new column.

The inaugural article is Jill Lepore’s “The Lie Factory”, which was published in The New Yorker in its September 24, 2012 issue. The article tells us about the founding of what was then a new industry, political consultancy, in the 1930s. The article explores the roots of what today is a never-ending, high-grossing, must-have business that permeates all of politics.

I invite you to read and enjoy the history of the founding of political consultancy in

“The Lie Factory” by Jill Lepore

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