An American Editor

November 23, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving – 2016

An American Editor is taking a break for the American Thanksgiving holiday. Although this year has had its ups and downs, it is still worth celebrating and Thanksgiving is the day to do so.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving! We will be back on November 28. Here are some videos to brighten your holiday, beginning with taste testing by the true food critics:


In case of politics at the table, here is a solution:

and some more political Thanksgiving humor from Saturday Night Live:

Happy Thanksgiving 2016!

Richard Adin, An American Editor

November 23, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

It’s that time of year again — time seems to pass very quickly at my age — when the family and neighbors come to our house and celebrate (and be thankful for) all the good things that came to us since our last gathering. Each of us has something for which we are grateful; my list is headed by my granddaughters, my children, and my wife.

To celebrate another wonderful year, and to have time to prepare (cooking the turkey is my job :)), An American Editor is taking a break. We’ll be back on Monday, November 30.

All of us at An American Editor — Ruth Thaler-Carter, Jack Lyon, Louise Harnby, Carolyn Haley, and myself — wish you a happy Thanksgiving. We hope you enjoy the following:

A great Johnny Cash moment:

What is Thanksgiving without Charlie Brown?

For the young children:

Happy Thanksgiving!

Richard Adin, An American Editor


November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Filed under: A Humor Interlude,A Video Interlude — Rich Adin @ 4:00 am

At An American Editor, we are taking a holiday break to enjoy Thanksgiving with friends and family. We’ll be back on Monday, December 1, with our usual informative articles.

To tide you over until then, sit back, relax, and enjoy —

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

and for those needing to review their history, a crash course:

When is Thanksgiving? Colonizing America: Crash Course US History #2

Happy Thanksgiving!

Richard Adin, An American Editor

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