An American Editor

August 29, 2016

See You in September!

Filed under: A Musical Interlude,Uncategorized — Rich Adin @ 4:00 am

An American Editor  will be on vacation thru September 11. The next scheduled AAE essay will appear on Monday, September 12. In the mean time, if you haven’t done so already, please peruse the 941 essays already published on AAE.

Also in the works is an AAE group on LinkedIn. It is hoped that it will be up and running sometime in the next two weeks. It is planned to be a place where editors can ask questions and get answers about the business of editing and other editorial concerns, as well as provide a place for more broad-ranging topics.

The AAE Group will also be a place to ask questions and exchange information about EditTools and Editor’s Toolkit Plus 2014.

See you in September!

Richard Adin, An American Editor

May 22, 2016

Breaking News: On Vacation

Filed under: Breaking News — Rich Adin @ 4:00 am

I will be on vacation May 22, 2016 through May 30, 2016. If you submit a comment to AAE and it remains in moderation, it is because I will have limited access to AAE during my vacation. For me, part of being on vacation (perhaps even the best part) is being offline. Please be patient; I will review any comments held in moderation as quickly as I can, but it may not be until I return from vacation.

Richard Adin, An American Editor

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