An American Editor

May 1, 2023

On the Basics — How writers and editors can find each other and work well together

© Ruth E. Thaler-Carter, Owner

An American Editor

© An American Editor. Content may not be recirculated, republished or otherwise used without both the prior permission of the publisher and full credit to the author of a given post and the An American Editor blog, including a live link to the post being referenced. Thank you for respecting our rights to and ownership of our work.

One of the hardest things for an author to do after — or while — writing their book is finding and working with an editor. Questions about that aspect of the publishing process often show up in social media. Here’s my take on it.

First steps — the writing process

First and foremost, and even before thinking about working with an editor, every aspiring author needs a community. Many common questions about the writing craft and process can be answered by other writers, both in person and virtually through social media. Look for a local writers’ center or association that might host groups for writers to learn from and support each (professionally, not financially!). If your hometown doesn’t appear to have such a resource, check with area bookstores and libraries, which often host groups for writers. (There are lots of such groups online, but many of us prefer to meet and interact in person.)

If all else fails, start your own group! Your favorite bookstore, library branch or coffee shop might be willing to provide meeting space, often without a fee (although coffee shops rightfully prefer that people using their space buy something, even if it’s just a cup of coffee per person).

Your group can be made up only of other writers, whether aspiring or established. It can also be a way to meet agents, publishers, promoters and publicists, editors and proofreaders, illustrators and designers, and other partners in your efforts.

Just a warning to writers: Like everywhere else in life, the writing world has its trolls. Don’t believe everything everyone says, especially the negatives. Try to be objective and informed about advice from someone who might have a grievance with publishers, other writers, organizations and members of the writing world such as editors.

If you’ve never written and published anything before, consider taking a basic composition class at a local college, university, writer’s center or library. Even a high school continuing education program could be the source of a useful refresher class on composition, grammar and usage, and other elements of good writing. Do your best to build your skills in creating characters, writing dialogue, organizing and maintaining story lines, being consistent in descriptions and other important details, using correct language, and making your work the best you can. That will serve you well in the next steps to publication.

Then get to writing!

And as soon as you even start thinking about writing something you hope to see get published, also start putting money aside for other vital steps in the process: editing, proofreading (whether you plan to self-publish and be published traditionally; cover design, layout and production, promotion and publicity (if you plan to self-publish). Good editing, as well as any other service you might want to use, requires the services of a trained, experienced, professionally editor — and not everyone who claims to fill that role actually can do so. Choosing someone who charges the least, especially through online platforms that connects aspiring authors with self-proclaimed editors, is also not the best way to serve your precious project.

Next steps — assessment

No matter how much experience anyone has in writing for publication, everyone needs an editor and proofreader. It also doesn’t hurt to have a manuscript evaluation or assessment, for a sense of what does and doesn’t work in your material that you could fix before handing it off to an editor.

You can use your writers’ group connections for what’s called beta reading: having people representing prospective readers read some or all of your manuscript and let you know what they think does and doesn’t result in a readable, interesting, worth publishing project. Beta readers usually don’t charge.

And keep in mind that English teachers are not editors. English teachers are immensely important; it’s just that they look for and fix different things from what editors seek and fix. The two are not the same, and one shouldn’t be relied on to provide what the other is needed for.

We need English teachers to provide a strong foundation in grammar, punctuation, spelling (yes, even with spellcheckers!), organization, usage and more so people can write clearly and logically. We need editors to fix what authors get wrong in those areas and more.

Finding editors

Like everything else these days, you can find editors — or people who call themselves editors — online, and often for very little money. But cheap is rarely good.

Look into the resources of organizations like the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors, ACES: The Society for Editing, Editorial Freelancers Association, and similar organizations in countries other than the USA. Most have ways for writers to list their projects, usually for free (the listing, that is; not the editing work!), and membership directories that provide solid information about someone’s training, experience, skills, testimonials and other important details.

There are also organizations for editors in specific fields — romance, travel, medicine, technology, science, animals (cats/dogs/horses/birds), and almost any other topic.

There are groups in LinkedIn and Facebook for editors and writers to find each other, and many editors have accounts or profiles in those platforms.

Most established editors have websites where you can learn more about their backgrounds, experience, approaches and other important details.

If you know of anyone who has published their writing, ask them for referrals or recommendations. Some authors mention their editors in their published books; look at the acknowledgments in books in your genre for names you might try to contact.

Those local writers’ groups and organizations also can provide leads to editors for you.

Finding authors

Editors can be proactive in finding writers to work for and with. Consider joining writers’ groups, both online and in person, through writers’ centers and organizations, publishing associations, and similar outlets. Offer advice and answer writers’ questions to build a reputation for knowledge and helpfulness. Make your genre or topic expertise known. Encourage your clients to refer and recommend you — such testimonials are the absolute best way to find new clients.

The why and the how

Why hire an editor? Because it’s almost impossible to be objective about our own writing and see various types of problems or errors, especially in something we’ve worked on for a long time and self-edited as much as possible.

Yes, we can use computer resources such as spellchecker to improve spelling and catch egregious errors — but those can be wrong or miss problems. Depending on what a manuscript needs, editors can help with everything from structure/organization and plot or timelines to characterization, dialogue, historical or geographical accuracy, coherence, consistency in many areas (names, places, eras, numbers, dates, appearances, etc.), and much more. Every writer needs that objective editor’s eye on their work to make it the best it can be.

Don’t be put off if an editor asks you to sign a contract or letter of agreement. That protects both of you by establishing who will do what, when and for how much. (An excellent resource is The Paper It’s Written On … by Dick Margulis and Karin Cather.)

An editor might include language in their contract or agreement that says the edited version of your book belongs to them until they are paid in full. That doesn’t mean you lose ownership of your work; just that you do not own and may not use or publish the edited version until you fulfill your side of the bargain.

And please don’t worry about an editor stealing your work. If you do a good job of checking references and assessing the training, skills and experience before hiring an editor, that won’t be a factor. Genuine professional editors do not steal authors’ work (and, in all honesty, most isn’t financially worth stealing, no matter how well-written, original or evocative it might be). You own your manuscript as soon as you create it.

Next steps — working with your editor

Most editors are kind and thoughtful even when they have to relay discouraging news about a writer’s “baby.” Some might come across as more brusque than they realize, but they aren’t trying to hurt a writer’s feelings. Try not to take offense or feel personally attacked if an editor points out areas to improve or correct. Your editor isn’t attacking you or your work; they are are trying to lead you to ways to make your story or book better and stronger — more interesting, clear, relevant and accurate.

It’s OK to ask prospective editors to provide a sample of how they would approach your manuscript. Just be sure to send the exact same section or sample to everyone you’re considering, whether it’s two editors or two dozen. And don’t be surprised if some editors prefer not to provide a free sample of their work. Plenty of skilled, professional, worth-hiring editors will do a reasonable sample for you. Those who don’t probably have been burned in the past.

Some editors are more comfortable with interaction throughout a project while others prefer to just do the work and send it back to you, with the understanding that you can ask questions about changes that you don’t follow or want to make. Just be prepared to pay for the time it takes for an editor to respond to frequent questions about the project.

If you’re worried about paying for a professional-level edit, see if you can arrange payment in increments — a deposit when the editing begins and interim payments as the work continues. That makes it easier to pay for the editing work than having to come up with a large sum all at once at the end of the project. Some editors will request final payment before handing over the finished work, which is understandable.

The relationship between writer and editor can and ideally will be constructive, supportive and productive. Keep these tips in mind and your project should be all of that.

What else would our writer subscribers like to know about working with an editor? What would our editor colleagues like to add about making the relationship its best and most successful?

Ruth E. Thaler-Carter ( is an award-winning provider of editorial and publishing services for publications, independent authors, publishers, associations, nonprofits and companies worldwide, and the editor-in-chief and owner of An American Editor. She created the annual Communication Central Be a Better Freelancer® conference for colleagues (, now co-hosted with the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors ( and sponsored by An American Editor. She also owns A Flair for Writing (, which helps independent authors produce and publish their books. She can be reached at or

April 22, 2023

On the Basics: How editors (and proofreaders, writers, photographers, graphic artists, etc.) get referrals and jobs

Ruth E. Thaler-Carter, Owner

An American Editor

The other day, I got a private message from a member of a Facebook group that I own, offering to provide ghostwriting and editing services and asking me to refer them for projects that I might not be interested in.

This was someone I know nothing about, have never met either virtually or in person, who hasn’t posted to the group in question, and who clearly knew nothing, or not much, about me or they wouldn’t have offered services I’m unlikely to use … essentially, a stranger whose training, skills and experience are total unknowns.  A stranger asking me to put my name and reputation on the line by hiring them or referring them to my current or prospective clients.

My response might have been on the brusque side, but so be it: I said that I do my own writing and editing, and that if I need to refer someone for projects I might turn down, it would be only to people I know. Her response: “… if everyone was like you, other editors won’t ever get any job or referral …”

My response to that: “Not true. People would still get referrals and jobs — I get them all the time — from colleagues they know through professional associations and other connections. Once someone is established as skilled and knowledgeable, work comes to them. That’s networking, at least when it’s done right.”

Those who know me even a little bit know that I’m pretty generous with advice and referrals, and have been for many, many years; I’m not called the Queen of Networking for nothing. That aside, the exchange does raise the interesting and useful question of how editors, and other members of the publishing world, do get jobs, clients and referrals.

I’ve discussed aspects of this in previous posts, and some of our subscribers have seen similar conversations in various other places — association e-mail discussion lists and forums, Facebook and LinkedIn groups, newsletters from colleagues and organizations, even books. It’s worth a revisit, though, because obviously some people still don’t “get it.”

Whence referrals?

Referrals come from a variety of sources. In my experience, referrals come from clients who like my work and pass my name and contact information to their connections who need someone to do similar work; colleagues who meet me in person when I speak at conferences or electronically when I present webinars, or who know me through my active and visible membership in about a dozen professional associations; and even through family and friends who have no connection with the publishing world but know me from personal connections (including grade school and high school!).

What do they all have in common? They know me, or they know my work. They know me because I’m more than what I call a “checkbook member” of an association; I contribute to its newsletter, discussion platforms, events, etc. They know me because I host this platform and write about aspects of doing editing and other editorial work here (and elsewhere). They know me because they see my posts to Facebook, LinkedIn and association outlets. They know me because they’ve attended or at least heard about my “Be a Better Freelancer”® conference.

Even if we haven’t actually met, they can feel confident that referring me to someone they know won’t make them look bad.

What people don’t “get”

What many newcomers to this world (and that of any profession or industry, when you think about it) is that you don’t “get” just by asking, and that networking is a two-way process.

You have to prove yourself. You can introduce yourself to a new audience, large or small; organization, group or individual; but that isn’t enough. You have to show that audience what you do and how well you do it. You have to demonstrate skills and knowledge. You have to let people know about your training and experience.

Most importantly, you have to contribute: Answer colleagues’ questions (accurately!), provide resources, present information. Lurking in the background might provide you with great advice, but it isn’t networking, nor is jumping into a new environment by asking for referrals and subcontracting without having shown that you’re skilled enough to earn them.

Yes: earn. Referrals and recommendations are earned. They aren’t presents. They aren’t rewards for simply joining a community. They are earned by proving you can do the work, do it well and make the referring person proud of their connection to you. They often come in over the transom, so to speak: I’ve received quite a few referrals that I didn’t ask for (which is always a good reminder to be more proactive about asking clients and colleagues to refer me to their connections). That’s one reason it’s so important to establish a strong reputation for a type of work or knowledge: You never know when or how it will pay off.

How to be referred

While referrals do often come out of the blue, you can be proactive about getting them. Once you have enough work and good relationships with clients and colleagues who know about that work, there’s nothing wrong with asking for referrals; in fact, it’s a good idea and often your best bet. Not everyone will assume that you’re looking for a new job or project — people might assume you have plenty of freelance work in hand or are happy and fulfilled in a full-time, in-house job. Sometimes we have to tell our clients, colleagues, family and friends that we are or might be available. You can also ask for LinkedIn recommendations and testimonials for your website (because, of course, you have a website if you’re in business). Those who know you and your work are likely to comply.

It’s just that, again, and again and again, you have to earn the positive answer to the request. That’s why the best referrals and recommendations come from clients who appreciate your work and colleagues who feel like they know you, and why it’s so important to build up your professional image through genuine networking and self-promotion once you have something to promote.

While referrals are most likely to come from those who do know you on some level, people don’t have to meet you in person or work with you to become referral sources. If you become known for your knowledge through giving advice and answering questions in various platforms, and/or for your skills and experience, you could receive referrals from people you don’t actually know. And that’s fine. It’s a benefit of doing good work, developing a positive reputation and doing networking that works. Networking isn’t a closed circle of only the people you know now or in one way; it’s a constantly expanding world of contacts.

In the spirit of networking, colleagiality, recommending and referring, by the way, check out Jake Poinier’s blog posts for the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors (NAIWE; and at his website ( about this topic. They don’t come more knowledgeable and generous than Jake!

The last word

Referrals don’t happen overnight. As with many aspects of any career, whether in-house or freelance, it takes time to build up enough of a reputation and portfolio to be referred to others. Be patient, put in the time and effort to let your light shine, and referrals will come to you.

How have you generated referrals? What do you suggest that colleagues do — and not do?

Ruth E. Thaler-Carter ( is an award-winning provider of editorial and publishing services for publications, independent authors, publishers, associations, nonprofits and companies worldwide, and the editor-in-chief and owner of An American Editor. She created the annual Communication Central Be a Better Freelancer® conference for colleagues (, now co-hosted with the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors ( and sponsored by An American Editor. She also owns A Flair for Writing (, which helps independent authors produce and publish their books. She can be reached at or

April 14, 2023

On the Basics: Résumés for today’s communications pros

Filed under: Editorial Matters — An American Editor @ 11:32 am
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© Ruth E. Thaler-Carter, Owner

An American Editor

© An American Editor. Content may not be recirculated, republished or otherwise used without both the prior permission of the publisher and full credit to the author of a given post and the An American Editor blog, including a live link to the post being referenced. Thank you for respecting our rights to and ownership of our work.

I wrote about “Résumés for Today’s Freelance Journalists” for a recent presentation about that topic for the Freelance Community of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), and it occurred to me that the tips apply to other colleagues as well. I hope this version is helpful to An American Editor subscribers.

Paper résumés are almost a thing of the past these days (although they can still be needed). Most of today’s résumés will be sent and seen as digital versions, which have their own requirements. Luckily, you can use the same content for both that traditional version and today’s digital one. The difference is less in what you present than in how you get it into the hands of potential clients.

Some standard rules still apply: Keep a résumé to what would be two single-spaced pages if it were printed out. Use the active voice. Leave out family information and non-relevant hobbies. Send your résumé as an attachment only if asked to do so; messages with unsolicited résumés are usually discarded as potential spam or viruses. Don’t include salary or project fee information. Update it regularly and keep a current version on hand/on your computer(s) so you don’t have to panic about whether it’s ready to be seen by prospective clients or employers, or miss an opportunity because it takes too long to do an update. 

Organizing your info

The first step in creating, revamping or updating your résumé — whether for print or digital use — is organization.

Traditional résumés for full-time positions are organized chronologically, often starting with education information (at least for recent graduates), followed by experience, with your current or most-recent job first.

A freelancer’s résumé starts by presenting assignments and projects, even if some were done quite a while ago or when you were (or are) in school. Recent students usually put their education info first. For people with substantial experience, education is less important and can be moved to the end.

Do not include family/personal information and only include hobbies if you write, edit, proofread, index, photograph or broadcast, etc., about them. This goes for both freelance and in-house searches.

Pro bono projects can contribute to your image as someone with skills and experience in various fields or topics, especially if you’re new to whatever editorial/publishing work you do or want to do. If you’re aiming for traditional in-house work, label those as pro bono, volunteer or community service. If you’re a freelancer, you can include such projects as part of your experience or freelance business section because no one has to know whether (or how much) you’re paid for them; the work itself is what matters.

You probably don’t need to include a street address, although it’s a good idea to keep a city and state for potential clients who might want you to handle onsite assignments — that’s probably more important for journalists, who are expected to cover events in person, but could relate to other types of work and projects. Nowadays, many colleagues leave phone numbers out of their résumés, using only e-mail addresses and social media handles as their contact information.

You still will include any full-time or in-house work, and those should still start with the most-recent position. Include links to published work (as long as you have client permission to do so) and the testimonial or portfolio section of your website.

Don’t forget to include membership(s) in professional associations, especially if you’re active and visible in one or more of those groups. And do include any work-related training you’ve taken. Both can go under a Professional Development heading. Your teaching and speaking experience, if any, should also be featured.

The process

  1. Create your résumé in Word.
  2. Keep the design simple: All-black “ink,” no more than two typefaces/fonts (and those should be common ones —good choices are Georgia or Cambria for serif, and Verdana or Calibri for sans-serif), ideally at 12 pt but no smaller than 9 pt; no photo; no boxes, shading, rules (lines between items) or other fancy graphics other than italics and — for headings — bold type.
  3. Include your e-mail address; website URL and blog URL if you have one; and social media connections: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram — whatever is current and professional.
  4. Skip the traditional Objective; it’s assumed that you’re looking for a job or for freelance gigs. Start with a list of skills you offer and software you can use.
  5. To include freelance work when aiming for in-house positions, group those projects under their own heading — the name of your freelance business or, if you haven’t come up with a business name, something like “Freelance/Independent Projects.”
  6. Bullet out projects in list form and active voice, by client or outlet. Rather than “Assigned to cover …,” use “Covered X beat with stories about Event X, Person Y, Issue Z, for Newspaper Name,” etc., or just “Wrote/Presented … for Publication A/Outlet B.” You can use general categories, such as news, feature, profile, etc., but do include names of subjects if your work includes projects for or about celebrities!
  7. Ask a colleague to proofread your résumé — it’s hard to check our own work to perfection because we know what we meant to say or have tinkered with a résumé so much that we could misspell our own names or those of our clients or employers (trust me; that happens). Having another pair of eyes on your résumé will ensure you haven’t made any blunders that will disqualify you from getting freelance gigs or new jobs — especially if you’re an editor or proofreader!

Keep the Word version handy so you can revise the résumé as needed for specific opportunities, usually by rearranging the sequence in your project list to put the most-relevant projects first, and to add new projects as you complete them.

Use cover letters to go into why you’re a great pick for specific assignments or listings by parroting the language of opportunities you’re responding to with how you fit those requirements, but keep them short — no more than a single-spaced page.

Getting to digital

The digital aspect comes in once you organize your information.

• Create and keep your résumé as a Word document but use the Print function to save it as a PDF, and send the PDF version to prospective clients on request. A Word document can be changed by whoever receives it; a PDF is safer from such interference. The PDF also retains formatting and fonts if you’ve used something that clients might not have.

• Post, or announce the availability of, the PDF to all of your social media outlets.

• If you have a blog and/or website (and make creating one your priority if you don’t!), post the PDF there and describe your freelance business or professional background in more detail. Focus on what makes your work important or interesting, your experience and skills, what you’d like to cover, how you can help a prospective client, etc.

• Where possible, post the PDF to your professional association profiles and membership directories. If résumés aren’t allowed, use the content of yours to flesh out your directory profile(s) and, again, include links to published work (as long as you have client permission to do so).

Back to business cards

And by the way, especially now that in-person events are coming back: Business cards are still important! They could function as mini-résumés and will always have value as introductions. You can save yours on your phone to exchange with the more digital-savvy, but keep a stash of the paper version in every pocket, handbag, briefcase, camera case, etc. You never know when or where you might meet someone who would ask for your card. Some of colleagues’ best connections and freelance clients have come about from offering a business card at a party, in the grocery store line, at a highway gas station, on a plane or train …

For a previous post about business cards and résumés, check out:

Do you have any additional tips for effective versions and uses of résumés? Feel free to comment!

Ruth E. Thaler-Carter ( is an award-winning provider of editorial and publishing services for publications, independent authors, publishers, associations, nonprofits and companies worldwide, and the editor-in-chief and owner ofAn American Editor. She created the annualCommunication Central Be a Better Freelancer® conference for colleagues (, now co-hosted with the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors ( and sponsored by An American Editor. She also owns A Flair for Writing (, which helps independent authors produce and publish their books. She can be reached at or

April 9, 2023

On the Basics: Rewriting and editing my life by becoming an artist

Ruth E. Thaler-Carter

Owner, An American Editor

© An American Editor. Content may not be recirculated, republished or otherwise used without both the prior permission of the publisher and full credit to the author of a given post and the An American Editor blog, including a live link to the post being referenced. Thank you for respecting our rights to and ownership of our work.

As I’m about to reach a milestone birthday, I found myself wanting to do something new and creative — and I’m doing it! I call it rewriting or editing my life. When a colleague asked for experiences of learning something new at an, um, advanced age, I found myself writing enough to turn it into this post, especially since she only used a small part of my response.

I took classes in ceramics many, many years ago in junior high, even had a piece in an exhibition, and always wanted to do that again. I finally got back to it last year when I found a craft center nearby where I could work on my own after taking a class to prove that I know what I’m doing. I’ve made a few pieces and am going to do more. Not only is this a fun and fulfilling creative outlet, but there’s something very satisfying about pounding a hunk of clay to work with it. Techniques came back to life as soon as I started doing it again. It felt like coming home; coming back to part of me I had forgotten about.

What’s completely new is making art in glass. I’ve been copyediting artists’ articles for a glass art magazine (as well as editing a newsletter for an organization in the decorative arts) for several years and thought I should try my hand at glass work to have a better sense of what those artists are doing. Someone I dated in my previous St. Louis time works in that medium and I decided to check it out after stopping by the studio where he works to say hello. I learned that I don’t have the patience or hand strength for blown glass, but apparently am pretty good at making tiles and similar pieces that use different techniques. The studio’s gallery manager invited me to display pieces and be added to their website, and I’ve already sold a couple pieces — and have an actual commission in hand!

It’s exciting and uplifting to learn and practice glass techniques. Working with glass made me feel like a newbie at first, but I liked it. Learning as an adult feels more real somehow — I have a better sense of what I want to do than I did in school days, and I don’t feel worried about how anything turns out.

I’m making art a habit — the weekends are my art time. It’s just me and the cat nowadays, so I can play with art as long as I don’t have work deadlines to meet, and even those are usually during the week.

I’m using the craft center and glass studio for most of the supplies I need, including kiln time for both mediums. If these projects work out as well as they promise to, my dining room can become my workspace and I can set up a kiln in the basement of my condo building and be more independent. If this really takes off, who knows — I might end up with my own studio or gallery!

Doing this has been wonderful for my life, health, joy, stress relief and sense of accomplishment. I don’t feel stressed very often, but pounding on a hunk of clay takes care of any that does arise. Making art gets me out and among new connections, including people who see me as an artist. It gives me a huge sense of accomplishment, especially because the staff at the glass studio priced my work much higher than I would have dared!

I’m working on setting up an Etsy shop that will feature both glass and clay. In the meantime, if you’d like to see some of my glass work, go to:

For anyone interested in learning something new, there’s only one perspective: As the ad campaign goes, “just do it” — it could be a lot of fun. It could even be no fun — but something new and adventurous is rarely a mistake.

Editing your life by adding a new skill of any type has another business-related benefit: It forces you to apply everything you know about writing, editing, proofreading and networking to make the best possible product and present it to the world in the best possible ways — just as you do with your editorial or publishing business.

And a lesson from the editorial business perspective: It’s rarely too late to “edit” your life by adding new skills, services and interests, whether in the publishing world or elsewhere. Doing something new could even add to your editing (writing, proofreading, design, etc.) client base by giving you visibility in that new area and the experience to feel confident about accepting projects in that area. For anyone feeling as if your editing business is getting stale, taking a new path could be the refresher you need.

Ruth E. Thaler-Carter ( is an award-winning provider of editorial and publishing services for publications, independent authors, publishers, associations, nonprofits and companies worldwide, and the editor-in-chief and owner of An American Editor. She created the annual Communication Central Be a Better Freelancer® conference for colleagues (, now co-hosted with the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors ( and sponsored by An American Editor. She also owns A Flair for Writing (, which helps independent authors produce and publish their books. She can be reached at or

January 16, 2023

On the Basics: Dealing with idea “theft”

© Ruth E. Thaler-Carter, Owner

An American Editor

© An American Editor. Content may not be recirculated, republished or otherwise used without both the prior permission of the publisher and full credit to the author of a given post and the An American Editor blog, including a live link to the post being referenced. Thank you for respecting our rights to and ownership of our work.

Freelance writers often worry about having their story ideas stolen. It’s rare, but sometimes it does happen. On the other hand, what appears to be idea theft might be something innocent. Here’s a recent example — and some tips for idea theft prevention.

A colleague in a social media group pitched a story to an alumni magazine. After asking whether they took alumni profiles, the writer had some seemingly positive e-mail exchanges with the editor via LinkedIn. Then the writer received this message and asked the group how to respond, if at all, to what felt as if the editor stole their story idea:

< Thank you so much for sending this idea our way. Dr. //// sounds like they are doing some wonderful work! … we might consider this story for a Q&A in the Class Notes section, but not for a feature at this time. We generally cover Q&As with our in-house staff and as such do not hire freelancers to conduct those interviews which are generally a few email exchanges.

< Thank you for being in touch and for sharing information about Dr. /// with us. >

As I responded in the group conversation, I sympathize (the only thing worse is being told that they’ve assigned your idea to an intern). Keep in mind that we can’t protect or copyright ideas — only the actual written expression of an idea can be copyrighted. This editor did take the writer’s idea, which would have upset me as much as it did the colleague, but the writer might have been able to protect that idea with a slightly different query approach.

When I suggested not naming the subject of a pitch, the colleague said that editor asked for the person’s name, which I said would be tricky. I probably would have responded with something like, “I’d rather not reveal the person’s name until I have a contract or agreement to write the story, as either a Q&A or narrative profile.” Again, that could result in the editor deciding not to assign the story to you, in part because it could imply a lack of trust, but it does give you some protection against your pitch being hijacked.

A response to the final decision in such a situation could be something like, “I’m not comfortable with having my pitch adopted as an in-house project. This feels like theft.” Doing that is likely to mean never working with that editor/publication, but it can be satisfying. Maybe write the message and then delete it unsent …

Another option could have been: “I appreciate the explanation and understand your process now, but would like to receive recognition for providing this idea. Do you pay for ideas that you assign in-house?” The answer probably would be no, but the question could generate a small fee, or at least plant a seed in the editor’s mind about a fair way to handle such situations in the future.

Fellow writers with similar story ideas might consider describing the person you’d like to profile without revealing the subject’s actual name: “An alum who …” Although even that doesn’t always work: I did something along those lines several years ago and the editor both immediately guessed who I was talking about and gave the profile to a staffer. The pitch was about a prominent local person, so maybe not all that surprising that my description could have given away their identity, but I’m still annoyed several years later!

If the subject of your pitch is someone you know who might sympathize with your quest to write about them, you could ask them to tell editors that they will only work with you — but that could backfire as well. Some editors might react by banning you from their pages forever.

In the online conversation, a group member suggested responding to the editor with something along the lines of “Thank you for letting me know. Please keep me in mind for paying feature assignments.” That shows grace and keeps the communication lines open for the future. Then keep looking for other outlets for that idea!

When you have a story idea in the future, look at several recent issues of a publication you plan to query to see which types of articles are labeled as staff-written or have no bylines. Those are often handled in-house, so craft your query to fit a different type of article.

Most publications nowadays publish their editorial calendars — planned themes and topics for the year’s issues — at their websites. Before querying, go there to check whether your idea, or a version of it, is already scheduled. You might even be able to see that it’s already been assigned. If your idea fits a given issue or theme, craft your query to make your idea stand out from whatever is already planned.

If you have a profile in mind, maybe pitch the person’s professional association(s) instead of their university alumni association publication. Other potential markets would be the person’s hometown publication, current local publication, even high school alumni association instead of college (although high school ones are less likely to pay), etc.

Writer’s Market remains a useful guide to what many publications seek from freelance writers, and Writer’s Digest magazine is still a good resource for information about new publications and the writing field in general.

Pitching a story idea is always iffy. Most editors are honest and won’t steal your ideas, but it can happen. The best way to protect your unprotectable ideas is to craft queries that are as detailed as possible without giving away what’s needed to write piece, and showing why you’re the ideal writer for that piece. And don’t write an entire article without a formal assignment or contract — on speculation (spec) — because that’s asking for your work to be used without compensation.

How do you craft your queries to protect your ideas from being hijacked? If you’ve had an article idea stolen, how did you handle it?

Ruth E. Thaler-Carter ( is an award-winning provider of editorial and publishing services for publications, independent authors, publishers, associations, nonprofits and companies worldwide, and the editor-in-chief and owner of An American Editor. She created the annual Communication Central Be a Better Freelancer® conference for colleagues (, now co-hosted with the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors ( and sponsored by An American Editor. She also owns A Flair for Writing (, which helps independent authors produce and publish their books. She can be reached at or

January 9, 2023

On the Basics: Making the most of job postings

© Ruth E. Thaler-Carter, Owner

An American Editor

© An American Editor. Content may not be recirculated, republished or otherwise used without both the prior permission of the publisher and full credit to the author of a given post and the An American Editor blog, including a live link to the post being referenced. Thank you for respecting our rights to and ownership of our work.

One benefit of belonging to a professional association is access to job opportunities. Postings and leads also turn up in LinkedIn and Facebook, among other venues, as well as from colleague and previous client referrals. There are ways to stand out from the (often huge) crowd of other applicants who respond to the same listings. Here are a few tips for increasing your chances of being the one who gets chosen.

• In general, always have a current résumé handy, and schedule regular updates. Ask a friend or colleague to proofread it (and any cover message accompanying a job post response or application for you, if there’s time) — it can be very difficult to proof our own material, and you want your résumé to be perfect.

• Only respond if you really have the experience and skills in the listing. There’s nothing wrong with going after new opportunities if they arise, but applying for jobs or projects you aren’t qualified for makes you look bad. It also can interfere with the ability of qualified competitors to be considered; when unqualified applicants flood the field, clients feel overwhelmed and cut off further applicants. 

• Don’t underbid. It’s expressly forbidden by some professional organizations when responding to their job or project opportunities, and many colleagues consider it unethical, but it’s a bad idea even if there aren’t any strictures against it. If a potential client or employer offers a great rate, respect it, and yourself, and your colleagues. Offering to do the job for less — or for free — undercuts everyone seeking to maintain decent rates for our editorial services. And it makes you look desperate, unprofessional and unethical.

• Make multiple use of your qualifications and activity. When you write a response to a current/recent posting, save it in Word so you can adjust it for future listings. It should include a basic opening sentence noting what you’re applying for, a “nut graf” about how your qualifications or experience relate to the job or project, and a closing graf that asks for — when appropriate — fee/rate, deadline and any other important details not covered in the listing.

• If you include a résumé or promotional brochure as an attachment, make sure the filename uses your name so it stands out from applicants who just use “Resume.doc” as the filename for theirs. You’ll look more professional and will be more memorable, and your material won’t get confused with anyone else’s.

And speaking of résumés, freelance colleagues might benefit from the Editorial Freelancers Association booklet “Resumés for Freelancers: Make Your Resumé an Effective Marketing Tool … and More,” by Sheila Buff and yours truly (I don’t profit from sales). It’s available at

Outside the organizations

For cold queries and responses to leads from sources other than your professional membership associations, which usually provide at least some information about scope, detail and rate, keep a list of items to include and confirm in an agreement, assignment or contract:

• Scope, such as length/number of words (if an editing or proofreading project is defined in pages, make sure to do your own word count before using the client’s number of pages as the basis of your fee and deadline), number of interviews or images, etc.

• Preferred style manual

• Deadline(s)

• Fee or pay rate/amount

• Payment policy (on acceptance vs. on publication vs. X days from invoice date, etc.) • Kill fee

• Protection against scope creep

• Copyright protection

What has worked for you in responding to job services or leads? What hasn’t?

Ruth E. Thaler-Carter ( is an award-winning provider of editorial and publishing services for publications, independent authors, publishers, associations, nonprofits and companies worldwide, and the editor-in-chief and owner of An American Editor. She created the annual Communication Central Be a Better Freelancer® conference for colleagues (, now co-hosted with the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors ( and sponsored by An American Editor. She also owns A Flair for Writing (, which helps independent authors produce and publish their books. She can be reached at or

January 2, 2023

On the Basics: Tips for starting the new year off right

© Ruth E. Thaler-Carter, Owner

An American Editor

Hard to believe — but a relief for many of us — that 2022 is over! I have a few random thoughts for a strong start to 2023, some of which are updates of similar past posts.

The new year means an opportunity to revise or improve some of our work habits to make our lives easier and more efficient. Here are some things to do in the first few days of 2023 that should make your work and personal life better.

• Update or change passwords for all accounts — banking, blogs, social media, associations, subscriptions; anything and everything, but especially anything related to finances and personal security.

• Remind clients to update the year in their document templates, website copyright statements and any other elements that might now be out of date — and do that for your own materials, website, etc.

• Review the style guide(s) that you use and check for any updates, revisions, additions and other changes that might affect this year’s work for current and new clients. If you don’t already subscribe to the online versions of the ones you use, do it now.

• Establish or refresh a connection with a family member, friend or colleague to back up passwords and access to phone, e-mail, social media, banking and other important accounts — your own and theirs — just in case. Think of it like giving a key to a neighbor or building super so you can be found/reached in an emergency.

Business resolutions

The new year offers the opportunity to learn new things and do things in new ways. Here are a few suggestions.

• Instead of relying on the luck of clients finding you, make an effort to seek new clients on a regular basis, through cold queries, responding to membership association opportunities, social media resources, updating (or creating) your website, etc. This is especially important for colleagues with only one major “anchor” client.

• Find a way to be visible in at least one professional membership organization or social media group to enhance your credibility and expand your networking activity. Even I do that, and I’ve been crowned the Queen of Networking! If you already belong to an association, look for a new one to join as well.

• Learn a new skill, something new about the topic area of a client or an entirely new topic to write about, edit, proofread, index, photograph, illustrate or otherwise work on to expand your career or business.

• Draft a few potential posts to use for your own blog, if you have one, or as a guest on colleagues’ blogs. Having drafts in hand makes it easier to get ahead of deadlines and actually publish new articles.

• Look for new projects or services to offer to existing clients.

• If you have regular editing or proofreading clients who haven’t gotten the memo yet about only needing one space between sentences, or have other writing habits that appear in every document and are easy for them to change, consider doing a “Welcome to the new year” note suggesting that they incorporate such things in their drafts before sending anything to you. Emphasize that doing so will cut down at least a bit on the time you need to handle their requests, as well as free you up to concentrate on more substantive aspects of their projects. Whether this will work depends, of course, on the nature of your relationship with those clients and won’t work for all of them, but could be a relief as you work with those who would be amenable to such suggestions.

• Save toward retirement!

• U.S. colleagues might not have to file taxes until April 15, but getting going early on this nerve-racking task is always a good idea. Among the many resources for end-of-year tax planning are the Freelancers Union blog and ones from experts such as my own invaluable tax person, Janice Roberg ( Two useful tips: There’s a relatively new simplified process for deducting a home office, and if you delay invoicing from December until January, it’s easier to manage those late-year payments that reach you in January with a December date and/or for December work.

• Start or return to non-editorial creative projects to give yourself the occasional “brain break” and a way to refuel — write poetry or short fiction, make something crafty or artistic, even just spend time at a museum or art gallery (or library/bookstore).

Perks of the new year

• I’m clearing out some of my bookshelves again. I’m donating half of every January 2023 sale of my short story, “Sometimes You Save the Cat …,” to the Humane Society of Missouri. Contact me at for information about getting your copy (the print version is $10, including postage/shipping, and the PDF is $5).

I’m also offering my “Get Paid to Write! Getting Started as a Freelance Writer” booklet at $5 off the usual $20 price through January. Again, contact me by e-mail for details.

What are your new year’s plans and aspirations?

November 12, 2022

On the Basics — In-person events and holiday gifts call for lasting giveaways

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By Ruth E. Thaler-Carter, Owner

An American Editor

In-person events and conferences are back, and I’ve attended several recently that offered opportunities not only to meet, greet, network with, and learn from colleagues, other freelancers, and potential clients, but to think about how to make the best use of exhibitor and sponsorship offerings.

Cruising the exhibit area of any conference is always fun — and often educational, and even profitable. We can learn a lot about new products and services, sometimes try some out and maybe win prizes and raffles to attract us to various booths.

What I’ve always found interesting is the items that exhibitors give away. Chocolates and other candies are popular, as are packets of chips, popcorn, and crackers or cookies, especially for people whose products don’t lend themselves to portable samples.

The problem with giving away food by the bowlful is that it’s temporary (and attendees can be allergic to much of it). Exhibitors should think beyond the candy to giveaways that attendees will keep and use.

That means logo- and contact info-imprinted pens or pencils, mugs, flash drives, paper cutters, mouse pads, laptop or cellphone covers, tote bags, small backpacks or fanny packs (yes, those are still a thing!), notepads, keychains, T-shirts, and even stuffed animals, brain-power toys such as puzzles or action figures: anything that will last beyond the event. I’ve heard from and even seen colleagues who still have mugs and sweatshirts from my Communication Central conferences of several years ago!

And the more timeless, the better, so dropping the event date is often a good idea — although “timely” can be relative: This past year, facemasks showed up at several events, and might still be appreciated for another year or two as we continue to cope with Covid-19 mutations and variations.

Some of these might seem commonplace or over-done, but they work because they’re practical, useful and lasting. As several people said at a recent conference where I represented a reporting organization that was giving away pens and notepads, “We can never have enough pens.”

I would avoid anything magnetized, since magnets placed too close to a computer could damage files.

All of this is not to discount the value of the smell of popping corn to lure people to your booth in an exhibit hall — the popcorn might not last, but you could always include a lasting tschotchke to go along with it!

With the holidays approaching, the same philosophy of lasting items applies to gifts for our clients, especially because we rarely have any idea of what they might be allergic to. One of my favorite gifts to clients several years ago was a mug imprinted with the coming year’s calendar, along with — of course — my name and contact info. It was very well-received — but only good for that year. Since then, I’ve done mugs with my business name and contact info, but nothing with any dates.

And before you invest in such items, as well as the cost of shipping or delivering them, keep in mind that some clients — primarily those working for government agencies at any level — might either not be allowed to receive gifts from consultants/freelancers at all or have monetary limits on what they can accept.

What have you used or have tried using as event giveaways and client gifts? Which ones worked, and which would you not use again?

May 28, 2021

On the Basics — What is editing? What is it supposed to do?

Ruth E. Thaler-Carter, Owner

An American Editor

A lot of sites and groups purport to offer expert advice about writing and editing. Some of it is good, some of it is bad and some of it inspires additional conversation. A recent online conversation discussed whether editing is supposed to make a piece of writing shorter vs. longer after a colleague saw a statement in a writing group that editing means making things shorter; when he responded that editing can also make things longer, he was told that’s revising, not editing. Other participants responded with the classics: Shakespeare’s “Brevity is the soul of wit” and Mark Twain’s “I’d have written a shorter letter, but I didn’t have time.”

Yes, making a work more concise is often part of editing, and usually a good thing, but that isn’t all there is to editing. I’m with the colleague who sees editing as sometimes making something longer. Authors can be so familiar with their topics that they don’t realize their readers might need more detail, untrained in writing and apt to over-write or write without organization and structure, or in such a hurry to meet a deadline that they leave out important aspects of a topic. A skilled editor can help make the document meet its goal of completing incomplete material, and that usually requires adding to it.

There are also writers who just open the mental floodgates and write without planning, expecting their editors to make sense of the material or battle it down to meet a required length for them. Sometimes I do that to myself: I’ll write out everything I have for an article, then go back and cut it down if I have to meet a specific word count. (I save the longer version in case I find a use for the material I’ve cut to fulfill the assignment.)

When I’m wearing my editor hat, I cut a bit or add a bit, whichever is appropriate (with the caveat that I provide copyediting; I’m not interested in the much-harder work of developmental or substantive editing these days). Every document is different, and likely to require a different approach. To me, editing simply makes a written work better, which can mean cutting it down if needed; making it longer if needed; or simply making it clear, consistent, accurate and readable without changing the word count — perhaps by changing some words for ones that are a better fit but keep the manuscript at the same overall count — all while respecting the author’s voice. And even “better” can be a subjective matter, just to add to the complexity of the process.

What colleagues say

A recent issue of the ACES: The Society for Copyediting newsletter offered these perspectives about the meaning of editing, all of which ring true, at least for me:

Charita Ray-Blakely in “Editors should understand the possible pitfalls of anthropomorphism”: “One fundamental task of editing is to promote clarity in content”

Christine Steele, quoting or paraphrasing John Russial’s Strategic Copy Editing (Guildford Press, 2004) in “Critical-thinking copyediting”:

“Editing is not about nitpicking and finding mistakes — it is about making choices”

“Editing is about critical thinking”

“Editing is about working together and respecting others”

“Editing is about balancing perfection and pragmatism”

“Editing is about ethics”

The owners of the Editorial Arts Academy, judging from a recent Facebook post, lean toward the brevity perspective: “‘Less is More’ is the guiding principle when it comes to line editing. Authors don’t pay editors to rewrite their words but rather to improve on what is already there.”

And finally, Ally Machate of the Writer’s Ally posted that “Debut books often have shorter word counts than those from successful authors” and provided some comparisons between genres, career stages and more at:

Managing challenges

One of the challenges for many of us is not just defining substantive, developmental, line and copyediting to make it easier to establish what we’ll do with (or to) a manuscript, but to educate clients about the difference between editing and proofreading. How many of us have been asked to “just proofread” a document, only to see that it desperately needs editing? I’m sure that’s happened to many, if not all, of us, because a client either honestly doesn’t understand the difference or is less honestly trying to get editing work done for the price (perceived as lower) of proofreading. Establishing and hewing to these boundaries is not just a matter of defining levels of editing or what editing means, but a huge factor in figuring out how much time, effort and money will go into any given editing project, whether you’re working freelance or in-house.

Cutting extraneous, redundant or unclear material is part of editing. Fleshing out incomplete ideas can be part of editing, although it’s often more appropriate to suggest to the author that they should expand or complete something, especially if you’re copyediting. There’s more room to do that kind of revision with substantive or developmental editing, although too much actual added wording by the editor can become co-authorship or ghostwriting. 

One area where cutting vs. adding words can make the editing life more complicated is (for freelancers) on the financial side: If you charge by the word, you have to decide which word count to use for your fee. Most of the people I’ve seen discuss this pricing model use the original word count, but if you’ve done a lot adding to the manuscript, you might feel cheated of your rightful fee if you can’t charge for doing so. You might need language in your contract to cover that eventuality.

There’s also one occasional headache in the area of word count: how to account for the actual number of words. As I found out this past week, Word can’t always be relied upon to provide the correct count. My version suddenly showed what I knew was a 700-word document I was writing as having only 187 words; apparently the program got stuck at some point in the manuscript and didn’t “see” the rest of it. Copy-and-pasting into a new document cured the problem (and it helped that I save frequently as I work, whether writing, editing or proofreading), but it was a heart-stopping moment to think that I had somehow deleted most of my hard-written words! To an editor addicted to cutting out words, that might have been a good thing to see, but it certainly wasn’t a good moment here. When I asked colleagues what might have caused that glitch, nobody knew but everybody said something similar had happened to them at least once, if not often.

Experiences among us

How do you define editing, and your role as an editor, in terms of when/whether to cut and when/whether to add? What challenges have you had in establishing a definition and communicating it to clients or colleagues? How often has cutting vs. adding words been a factor?

Ruth E. Thaler-Carter ( is an award-winning provider of editorial and publishing services for publications, independent authors, publishers, associations, nonprofits and companies worldwide, and the editor-in-chief and owner of An American Editor. She created the annual Communication Central Be a Better Freelancer® conference for colleagues (, now co-hosted with the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors ( and sponsored by An American Editor. She also owns A Flair for Writing (, which helps independent authors produce and publish their books. She can be reached at or

May 24, 2021

On the Basics: What do experienced, successful freelancers “owe” to the newcomers?

Ruth E. Thaler-Carter, Owner

An American Editor

Someone recently posted an opinion in a journalism group that successful freelancers should give up their businesses for the sake of new freelancers. It made me think about what, if anything, successful and experienced people owe to those who are new to a profession in general or type of business in particular.

As most of you know, I’m a huge believer in being helpful to colleagues — at all levels of their careers or businesses, whether established or just starting out, working in-house or freelance, and any other aspect of their business lives. Not just out of gratitude to colleagues who have been helpful to me, but that “rising tide lifts all boats” theory, you know.

I’ve felt a responsibility to give something back in return for the advice, camaraderie and support that I’ve received from colleagues, especially fellow freelancers. I started freelancing on my own, almost serendipitously, and finding a supportive community of colleagues (primarily through the late, lamented Washington Independent Writers; sob) was a real gift. The people who were helpful to me then didn’t need my help, but I realized I could pass on what I had learned from them and from my own experiences to those who came into freelancing — or writing/editing/proofreading, etc. — after I did.

I do believe in helping “newbies” get a firm start on their writing, editing, proofreading, etc., careers. What makes no sense is expecting any of us to shut down for some undefined benefit to newcomers, or to colleagues who have been in business for a while but are not doing well yet. I don’t even know how that would work. I might hand off a project or client to a colleague who has more of the necessary skill and experience for that work than I do, and I’ve certainly referred colleagues for projects that aren’t what I prefer to do, whether because something pays less than I expect, involves a topic I’m not interested in or requires more effort (developmental vs. copyediting, for instance) than I feel like doing these days.

It does appear that the person making this claim hasn’t had a professional-level job in communications or published any freelance work, which could explain why they want successful freelancers to save them from doing the hard work of finding an in-house job or enough freelance work to be successful. The real world, of course, doesn’t work like that.

Newcomers might appreciate mentors to help them learn the ropes of the editorial niche they want to work in, and the ins-and-outs of successful freelancing — and many of us do provide that kind of support. Some of us have been mentors, either formally or informally. Most of us share advice and  insights through our blogs, books, classes or webinars, memberships in professional associations, or visibility in various online groups (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.). Some of us train new hires, or students and early-career colleagues, at our full-time jobs. 

Freelancing has never been easy to do, as most of us here can attest. It takes more than being able to write well; edit/proofread accurately (and respectfully); create effective, readable publications; design beautiful images and documents, etc. It takes a business approach and a lot of persistence to find clients or assignments, manage finances and taxes, balance varying deadlines, and handle everything else that leads to success.

Whether someone wants a traditional publishing career or a successful freelance business, it takes time. It takes training. It takes a little humility when starting out. Those of us who are successful have put a lot of time, effort and expense into building up our careers or businesses. Most of us love what we do and thrive on doing it well. We plan to keep going as long as our physical and mental capacities make it possible. Few, if any, of us are interested in new careers or premature retirement.

Being supportive doesn’t require closing our doors to support some vague “help the newbies” vision.

How to help

Once successful, it does make sense to give back, pay it forward or however we want to think about encouraging newcomers who might need a little backup as they get started. Some of us may no longer need advice about the basics of being in business, but we can — and I think we should — pass on the benefit of our experience to others.

We were all new to our work and — for those who aren’t working in-house — to freelancing, and we all learned from others. Passing on our knowledge is a mitzvah (a good deed) or investment in good karma. But that’s very different from closing down a business for some vague idea of helping less-established or less-successful colleagues.

Which brings me to how we who are established and successful can help newcomers to editorial work, especially people who are new to freelancing. We can:

Teach — through classes, webinars, conference presentations. Advise — through blogs, publishing, discussion lists, social media outlets, presentations. Share — by suggesting books, degree or certificate training programs, webinars, organizations, tools, other resources, answers to questions. Mentor — if you have the time and energy.

Helping a colleague is rewarding in many ways. Not only is giving back an investment in the future of our profession and our own successful businesses, it is good for the soul — and it feels great. It might seem selfish, but doing good feels good, whether through advising colleagues or supporting a charitable cause.

Colleagues’ perspectives

When the time comes for me to hang up my shingle and retire from my writing/editing/proofreading/publishing business, it won’t be newcomers who will hear from me about taking on some of my clients or projects, and I won’t do it by simply closing down in the hope that someone unknown and less-established will magically benefit from my disappearance from the scene. I’ll let my clients know my plans so they can start looking for a replacement, and I’ll contact colleagues I know to see if they would like to be referred to those clients. The colleagues I contact will be experienced in the appropriate editorial niches. From the freelancing perspective, my preference will be to offer such opportunities to established, professional freelancers with successful businesses. That’s what my clients are used to and whom they would prefer to work with.

If you’re experienced and successful, how do you see your role with newcomers? If you’re new to the editorial field or to freelancing, what do you expect to receive from established, successful colleagues?

Ruth E. Thaler-Carter ( is an award-winning provider of editorial and publishing services for publications, independent authors, publishers, associations, nonprofits and companies worldwide, and the editor-in-chief and owner of An American Editor. She created the annual Communication Central Be a Better Freelancer® conference for colleagues (, now co-hosted with the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors ( and sponsored by An American Editor. She also owns A Flair for Writing (, which helps independent authors produce and publish their books. She can be reached at or

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